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Oh my gosh, the camera controls are unbearable. The only time I beat a level was accidentally hitting x once. I need like some kind of mouse pointer to see what I’m aiming at, and the red thing on the left isn’t really helping me navigate, I thought it was representative of my velocity but I don’t think so.

Having the mouse get captured so I can continuously pull down as I move the camera would be a huge improvement, hitting the borders of the window is very frustrating in trying to aim where you want to go.

I apologize for the intense criticism it is past my bedtime. I like you have a music slider, I would appreciate a label next to it though haha

im pretty sure i did make the mouse confined, i wonder why it's not working 

maybe i could make WASD be the alternative controls


If it’s not an issue when you play it on itch, maybe a firefox thing? lmao

i dunno, i'm using firefox and it locks in, I thought you were using chrome and it might be a chrome issue lol


good idea! let's see how it turns out in the end


What do I do?

press x to hit the ball